History of Linkeroever
| 2014 |
| art integration project for the nursery designed by De Smet Vermeulen architecten |
The 18th century Ferrari map of Linkeroever was an inspiration for an art integration project for the nursery build there in the 21st century.
A wooden map made out of wooden tiles.
Wooden tiles that are used to tell the story of the Left river bank.
The story of the Linkeroever in Antwerp that has nowadays rather bad reputation.
Reputation that has been changing in the course of the history of the XXth century.
The XXth century history of Linkeroever is being told by the buildings.
Buildings that are witness to the changes.
Changes that are being represented by the woodcuts.
Woodcuts made of the wooden tiles.
Wooden tiles were printed with the colours consistent with the colours of the nursery.
Project consist of 5 woodblock prints , printed in two different colour schemes.
Linkeroever. 1900
Linkeroever. 1910
Linkeroever. 1920
Linkeroever. 1930
Linkeroever. 1950
Linkeroever. 1970…